Problem Solvers, Experienced Litigators, Trusted Consiglieres
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Highly credentialed and deeply experienced, the attorneys of Arkin Solbakken LLP represent individuals and companies in a wide range of matters, from business development to high-profile, high-stakes cases.
We pride ourselves on being results-oriented and cost-effective, providing added value in the boardroom and the courtroom. We deploy good judgment to achieve commercial results that further our clients’ business and litigation objectives.
We serve as counsel — in every sense of the word — to individuals, entrepreneurs and established businesses in legal and business matters, protecting our clients’ interests in court and beyond. Often quoted in the press, we are known for successfully and relentlessly representing our clients through all phases of the legal process.
We specialize in business and civil litigation, regulatory proceedings, entrepreneurial and business transactions, and construction litigation. Our clients include individual employees, investors, entrepreneurs, restructuring firms, investment banks and other financial institutions involved in all manner of civil, criminal and regulatory proceedings.